Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Updates From Home

I’m starting to hope I didn’t get my co-workers sick with the bug I had a few weeks ago because it was miserable. I mention this because today, both Nora and Katie were sick and working from home leaving me the only one at the office until Kelly came in at 1:30 pm.

After finishing the hump day news scan, I was going to start on the Uplifted blog regarding analytic web tools, but I got sidetracked by a Google Hangout session with Aunt Pat. Even though it was cut short with a poor connection, I still got some updates about the garden and the sparse sweet corn patch.

It appears it will be a poor year for our sweet corn patch because it should have been picked by now. Instead they are just putting the electric fence up this weekend. The anticipated poor yield can be attributed to a few factors: 1) the seed was planted late because of the wet spring and 2) there has been a lack of moisture since the seeds were planted. It looks like I will miss picking sweet corn by a week or two when I should have missed it by a month or more.

The workday was finished off with 75% of my time talking with Kelly about interesting topics and 25% working on the post. I found out Kelly is a WWOOFer and had her first experience in Spain, but plans to have several in Argentina in the coming year. WWOOFing is an interesting concept, and I encourage you to research it. I think this topic was so engaging because I planned to WWOOF at least once while in Argentina, but I don’t think there will be enough time.

Hitting up my local watering hole, Liquid Bar, I met up with Mario and Caro. I also became friends with Tristan, a German, and Ben, a born American now Argentinean. Over another grand time in Buenos Aires.

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