Sunday, August 4, 2013

Sunday Discoveries

Besides another morning walk through the park, this Sunday was treated as a day of rest.

Even though it was only about an hour walk, I still ended up seeing new places and things. For instance, I ran across something my mom would have loved to see. It was a two story working carousel complete with music and all. I have seen many carousels, but never have I seen one that was a double-decked. Here’s a photo just for you, Mom. LOL!

During my walk I also happened to walk by my destination for this Friday…the Hipodromo Argentino de Palermo (The Argentina Racetrack of Palermo). It was a massive site, and I’m sure Friday will be memorable. Apparently, there is a race every 30 minutes from 3 to 10pm.

The rest of my day will be simple to explain. After making a trip to Jumbo to pick up a few groceries, I finally made it back to my apartment in the early afternoon. From there I listened to music, watched another episode of Utopia, cooked supper, did the dishes, and worked on my blog posts.

With a few hours left before I need to call it a day, I think watching Forest Gump sounds like a good way to end a weekend.

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