Friday, August 16, 2013

Empanadas Method #2: Baked

Today was Kelly’s last day at work because she landed an internship with The Argentina Independent and starts next week. As soon as she arrived we went out for lunch.

The place we ate at was called Boulangerie Cocu, which is a French Café nestled in the middle of Palermo Viejo. It was quite the place and very delicious; orange juice made from scratch, artisan breads, and a very French atmosphere. Even the staff was dressed in traditional French attire. Best of all, lunch was on Uplifted. LOL!
With practically half of the afternoon over with, everyone got back to work. I continued where I left off with the Weekly Round-up blog for the Democratic Republic of Congo client. Things weren’t so meek this week in the DRC. Only one DRC army coronel deflected with his 50 or soldiers to become M23 rebels.

The evening led to another night of cooking with friends. Caro invited me to make empanadas at her place because she was having two Argentineans, Juan Pablo & Mauro, teach her and several other friends how to properly make them. It was like a Liquid Bar reunion because also in attendance were Tristan and Annamarie.

The empanadas we made tonight were different from the fried empanadas Nico and I made during his visit because these were baked; however, both methods yielded a savory stuffed pastry.

It was about 10:30-11 before we actually started to eat, and by that time we practically went through four bottles of wine and four liters of beer. (Keep in mind there were seven of us.) After dinner we chilled and talked while watching, again, more Vine and YouTube videos. When I get back to The States, I’m going to be an open library for the best videos on the web. LOL!

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