Wednesday, June 5, 2013

A Night to Remember

This morning I woke up to a pleasant email in my inbox! I received my first Smarty Pig donation, with a message that went like this, “Lance, have an amazing time! I’ll be living it though your blog :)!” That message explains the entire concept behind The Rural Iowan blog! The conversational style I’m writing in helps me bring my Buenos Aires experience to you! (As you can see I’m excited because I just got done using five exclamation marks consecutively.) Also, if you do contribute, please include your mailing address because I would like to send you a personal thank you from Argentina.

Immediately after sifting through my email, I had a nice Skype session with my former work crew at Barzen & Associates; who I highly recommend purchase a microphone before our next session LOL!
I’m definitely giving Skype a good workout while I’m down here because I’ve been using it nightly! Of the joys of technology when it works properly.

While walking to work today I thought about a lot of things. Being from Iowa and aware of how important agriculture is to the state, I figured it would be cool to see how rural Argentina agriculture compared. Through the grapevine of friend connections, I ran into Nico from Rio Cuarto which is a relatively rural city south of Cordoba, an Argentinean city that is known for its colleges and universities. Apparently, his grandparents operate a farm and hopefully they will let me visit while I’m down here so I can grasp a greater understanding of rural Argentina.

I was introduced to news scanning at work today. It’s a simple process where you visit multiple big name news sites and browse their headlines looking for hot topics so our company can comment on behalf of our clients creating greater exposure for them. It’s an art form, really. This was done after I met Katie, an account executive with Uplifted. She was kind enough to bring in some medialunas, which are basically glazed croissants. Again, I’m impressed by Argentinean food.

Andrea Chu & I @ Liquid
After news scanning, it was back to batch blogging. I finally finished my posts about hardwood flooring today! Ever wonder how long your hardwood floor will last? Well you could find that answer if you read the article I wrote today. LOL. Blogging for clients is quite interesting because you tend to learn about a lot of different topics.

After walking home, I decided to attend an outing through InternationalNights Buenos Aires. Basically, it made Liquid Bar a meeting point for international foreigners who want to meet new people and have a good evening. They are a great group of people. I met a handful of new people, two couchsurfers from Italy who are twin tennis teachers and really good, Mario, who is originally from Venezuela but just got back from working at a ski resort in Minnesota, an Australian couple and her mother-in-law from Columbia, Andrea, a South Korean who is here to master the Tango, and Giovanni, the owner of this organization. This event completed my day.

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